Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A

Urban Studies Center

6B04189 - Urbanism and City Management

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Business and Management in the field of Urbanism and City Management

Educational trajectory 1: “Urban Planning”

Educational trajectory 2: “Transport planning”

Description of the program:
The program is aimed at teaching participants (students, professionals) innovative approaches to urban planning and management using various technological tools and software, including computational design, programming, urban modeling, GIS (digital urban planning track), data analysis and visualization, as well as machine learning tools, AI and others (engineer track Smart City).

Key topics: Smart cities: the city as a single system

Digital planning: digital planning and smart city management based on data
Sustainability: ecology and sustainable development
Urban mobility: transport systems and urban mobility
Smart citizens & communities: Community engagement

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