Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A

School of Hospitality and Tourism

Академическая мобильность в более чем в 100 университетов в 40 странах мира

Double degree programs:

The educational program of «Restaurant and Hotel Business» has cooperation agreements with international higher education institutions to encourage double degree programs, international exchange, foreign internships and summer schools. An agreement on cooperation between reputable international universities in the field of hospitality was concluded in 2022, the conglomerate of Swiss universities, Swiss Education Group confirmed its readiness to organize double degree programs in educational programs with AlmaU School of Hospitality and Tourism. Three leading universities of Swiss Education Group made an agreement where students will have the opportunity to receive a Swiss diploma on a 3+1 basis and paid internships in leading hotels and hospitality companies around the world. These universities are:

  1. Swiss Hotel Management School (SHMS) Switzerland
  2. Cezar Ritz Colleges (Switzerland)
  3. Hotel Institute Montreux (Switzerland)

Between AlmaU and EU Business School (EU Business School, Spain and Switzerland), there is a joint agreement on a double degree of the bachelor’s degree program, which includes the educational programs of Restaurant and Hotel Business and Tourism and Event Management. This program also provides for the development of joint projects, programs and activities in which students, faculty and staff members of the School of Hospitality and Tourism can also exchange students in undergraduate programs, exchange academic staff to develop joint activities such as joint research and projects, and all necessary materials to the partner universities to expand further cooperation.

Triple degree programs:

The following agreement and collaboration were concluded between Spanish business school CESINE, which offers a triple degree program that includes a double bachelor’s degree in addition to the bachelor’s degree in the Restaurant and Hotel Business educational program. This triple degree program provides students the opportunity to study both a CESINE diploma and a formal undergraduate degree from London Metropolitan University. Students can choose this program during their junior year and then graduate and return to university to complete their final year of study. This program provides an excellent opportunity to obtain a diploma from CESINE and London Metropolitan University while studying in Spain and pay the cost of your studies of about 6,000 euros per year.

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