Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A

School of Politics and Law

7М04203 - Jurisprudence (Business Law) - 1 years
7М04201 -Jurisprudence (Business Law) - 2 years

The goal of the degree program (DP): Training of highly qualified, competitive masters of law with professional and entrepreneurial skills that ensure their relevance and sustainable competitiveness in legal support of business, as well as in science and education.
The field of professional activity of the DP graduate: Graduates are in demand in the labor market, namely, in the fields of consulting, law enforcement, rulemaking, analytics; advocacy and notarization; in the corporate sphere, and can be in independent practice.
Objects of professional activity of the DP graduates: government, commercial and non-profit organizations, higher education institutions, scientific organizations.
The subject of professional activity: protection of the rights of business entities, citizens and legal entities, and the state.
Types of professional activity of the DP graduate:
1. Human rights activities;

The functions of the professional activity of the DP graduate:Teaching disciplines in the field of the DP, to carry out legal protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and business entities; to provide qualified legal opinions and advice in resolving legal disputes.

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