Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A

Higher education School of Digital Technologies

School of Digital Technologies

Mission: School of Digital Technologies is a steadily growing educational division of Almau, leading versatile applied research and development in the field of Software Engineering, Product management and Data Science, effectively applying theory and practice

Vision: By multiplying the unique traditions of AlmaU, using the latest educational technologies and achievements, to train first-class specialists in the field of programming and big data analysis, to actively participate in projects, dissemination of managerial knowledge in order to develop and increase the competitiveness of the Data Science market in Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region

(обучаются в 2022/2023 уч. г., из них 89 обучаются на гранте)
Leader's program

Bachelor's degree

International Opportunities

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