Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A

Higher education The School of Medical Sciences named after Sharmanova

The School of Medical Sciences

The School of Medical Sciences is an innovative and modern story about management in the field of healthcare

The school gives a new impetus to health science and will be able to have a significant impact on the healthcare system of Kazakhstan.

The mission: The School of Health Sciences trains future leaders in the fields of health promotion, well-being and behavioral sciences, providing them with advanced knowledge and skills in these areas

Vision: AlmaU Sharmanov School of Health Sciences will become one of the best nationally recognized educational schools, implementing innovative programs in the field of health sciences and behavioral sciences, providing optimal learning conditions for students and collaborating with professionals to promote the health and well-being of the population

Bachelor's degree

International Opportunities

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Since 2012, AlmaU has been implementing an MBA program in Healthcare Management (more than 200 graduates), consulting and training projects, and also launched a Psychology program, thus having rich experience in cooperation with the country’s healthcare system, it was decided to create the AlmaU Sharmanov School of Health Sciences as a step towards a new level of impact on the system.

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