The Department of Science carries out activities for the development of the AlmaU research ecosystem
DISSERTATION COUNCIL in the fields of study: 8D04105(6D021500) “Business Administration”, 8D04101(6D050700) “Management”, 8D04103(6D051100) “Marketing”.
The Dissertation Council was established by the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Order No. 73 dated November 9, 2022).
Isakhova Parida Bakirovna Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
Chairman of the Dissertation Council
Head of the Doctoral Department at Almaty Management University
Smykova Madina Raisovna Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor
Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council
Professor at the Almaty Management University School of Management
Orazgalieva Elmaira Bolatbekovna
Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council
Researcher at the Almaty Management University School of Management
Nikiforova Nina Vladimirovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Member of the Dissertation Council
Almaty Management University School of Management
Alibekova Gulnaz Zhanatovna
Member of the Dissertation Council
Deputy Director of Science
Institute of Economics of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Tleuberdinova Aizhan Tokhtarovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Member of the Dissertation Council
Chief Scientific Officer
Institute of Economics of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Оразгалиева Элмайра Болатбековна, PhD
Ученый секретарь Диссертационного совета
Researcher Школы менеджмента Almaty Management University
Смыкова Мадина Раисовна
Заместитель председателя Диссертационного совета
Профессор Школы менеджмента Almaty Management University
Исахова Парида Бакировна
Председатель Диссертационного совета
Декан Школы экономики и финансов Almaty Management University
Исахова Парида Бакировна
Председатель Диссертационного совета
Декан Школы экономики и финансов Almaty Management University
Исахова Парида Бакировна
Председатель Диссертационного совета
Декан Школы экономики и финансов Almaty Management University
Исахова Парида Бакировна
Председатель Диссертационного совета
Декан Школы экономики и финансов Almaty Management University
1. On the approval of the Model Regulations on the Dissertation Council. Order No. 126 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2011.
2. On the approval of the Rules for awarding degrees. Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2011 No. 127.
3. Rules for the design of a doctoral dissertation. Approved by the Decision of the Academic Council of the Educational Institution “Almaty Management University” dated March 29, 2023, Protocol No9. Download the document
4. On the approval of the state mandatory standards of higher and postgraduate education. Order No. 2 of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022..
5. The regulations on the dissertation Council of the Educational Institution “Almaty Management University”, approved by the decision of the Academic Council No. 6 dated December 28, 2022.