Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A

AlmaU Ombudsman

Welcome to the AlmaU Ombudsman's page!

What are the goals and objectives of including the position of the Ombudsman in the structure of the University?

First of all, it is the creation of such a safe “place” at the University, where every student, teacher or employee could discuss their questions and problems related to the University. By contacting the “office” of the Ombudsman, you can count on the fact that here you will/can:
– find a friendly environment in which people will listen to your doubts;
– get the information you are interested in on University policies;
– discuss the possibilities of communicating certain information to the University;
– evaluate the available alternatives to solve any particular problem;
– initiate a meeting with the official face which is in charge of the area to which your question relates;
– expect on constructive facilitation of the dialogue with interested parties;
– while maintaining confidentiality, in case of systematically recurring situations, give feedback to the administration.
The Ombudsman does not take sides in the dispute. The Ombudsman is on the side of justice and equality.


The Ombudsman and the AlmaU Ombudsman Council work according to the Ethical Code of the International Association of Ombudsmen.

The principles that we share and support:

Independence from the University administration in a certain extent ensured by the direct support of the AlmaU Board of Trustees and the composition of the University Ombudsman Council, which includes established professionals and people associated with the University for more than one year and who know the life of the University from the inside.
Neutrality and impartiality
The Ombudsman’s Council takes a neutral position, striving to ensure procedural transparency and fairness, including in the activities of the AlmaU administration.
The Ombudsman and the Ombudsman’s Council guarantee the full confidentiality of the identity of those who have applied to the Council. The identity of the applicants may be disclosed only with the consent and permission of the applicants themselves, except in cases that fall under the law or entail a serious threat to participants in situations.
The Ombudsman and the Ombudsman’s Council, as informal structures, do not participate in any administrative or exculpatory procedures related to situations of appeals. As an informal structure, the Ombudsman or the Ombudsman’s Council is not authorized to accept official complaints or complaints against Almaty Management University.
The virtual office of the Ombudsman and the AlmaU Ombudsman Council is designed to create unique opportunities for members of the community of our University, where problems could be raised, issues discussed in an atmosphere of sincere desire to improve the working environment, study and professional experience, without formal pressure and coercion.
Appeals to the Ombudsman and the Ombudsman’s Council are purely voluntary acts. If a member of our university community decides to contact the Ombudsman, then she/he should take into account the Principles of the work of this structure.

Dear colleagues and students of AlmaU!

The Ombudsman Institute was established at the International Academy of Business (now Almaty Management University) back in 2014, at the initiative of the labor collective and with the unconditional support of the leadership of the Academy (now the University). During its existence, more than 100 employee complaints have been reviewed, the vast majority of which have been resolved.
The Ombudsman of Almaty Management University is Altalieva Akmaral Andirovna.
Akmaral Andirovna has been with us for almost 20 years now: she taught in the first group of the MBA program of the Alma Ata School of Management (which eventually grew into the IAB, and then into AlmaU), was the dean and CEO of the ASHM, participated in the development of many domestic and international projects of the University. She is still one of our leading educators and consultants today.

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