AlmaU was accredited by IQAA for 7 years

On March 26, 27 and 28, 2024 AlmaU welcomed the IQAA (Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education) experts for external audit within the process of the institutional accreditation of the university.

The expert commission consisted of 7 national and international IQAA experts from Estonia and Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of employers and students.

The expert group was headed by Myrzagalieva Anar Bazarovna – First Vice-President, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, International University of Astana. The expert group included:

  • Natalie Aleksandra- Gurvits-Suits – International Expert, PhD in Economy and Finances, School of Business and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology
  • Baikenov Zhasulan Erbolovich – Expert, First Vice-Rector, PhD in Management, Kazakhstan-American Free University.
  • Kushebina Gulnara Malikovna – Expert, Head of Registration and Student Services, PhD, Esil University.
  • Esenzhan Aida Nurmanbekkyzy – Employers’ Representative, Director of Commercial Department, Union of Project Managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Shapovalova Diana Alekseevna – Student Representative, Master’s student of the 1st year, “Marketing” program, University of International Business.
  • Jigitcheeva Karlygash Mukharedenovna – IQAA Coordinator, Department of Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions and Research Institutes.

During the visit the guests examined the university infrastructure, academic, research, educational and social work of the university. The commission members conducted interviews with the main stakeholders – trustees and heads of the university, heads of structural units, deans and program leaders of schools, faculty, administrative staff, students of all levels, and graduates.

In the course of the external audit, the experts studied the regulatory documentation of the university to delve into more detail with the document flow, teaching, research, material, and technical support, the website, its navigation, and content, as well as the image of the university in the media and availability of electronic resources. The activities of the visit contributed to a detailed familiarization with the structure of the university, and its activities and allowed external experts to build an independent assessment of the compliance of the self-assessment report data with the realty.

As a result of the visit of the expert group it was concluded that following the results of the Accreditation Council meeting held on May 11, 2024, the decision was made: to accredit EI “Almaty Management University” for 7 years with a visit to the university in the middle of the accreditation period as part of post-accreditation monitoring.

The experts presented areas for improvement. The University is pleased to note that the experts noted full compliance with all 10 accreditation standards in the areas of: Mission, Strategic Planning and Quality Assurance Policy; Ethics and Academic Integrity; Management and Information Management; Student-Centered Learning, Teaching, and Assessment; Student Enrollment, Learning Outcomes, Recognition, and Qualifications; Educational Programs: Their Development, Effectiveness, Continuous Monitoring and Periodic Evaluation; Faculty Effectiveness, Development; Research and development; Student support resources and services; Public awareness.

The members of the Accreditation Council note as positive practices: introduction of double degree programs and joint educational programs with international partners; active integration of practical components into programs, including internships, project work, and interaction with specialists from different sectors; motivational payments to faculty members for scientific publications, textbooks, and monographs; providing access to a significant number of electronic resources and online seminars, which enriches the educational process.

At the end of the external audit at the preliminary announcement of the results, the experts thanked the university for the responsible reception, noted the expertise and professionalism of the team. The high team spirit and mutual support at AlmaU were noted. The Commission noted the progress in the development of the university and thanked for the commitment to accreditation standards.

The rector, in turn, thanked the experts for their work. Gulnara Kurenkeyeva is an AMBA expert on the international accreditation board, and Assylbek Kozhakhmetov is a member of the CEEMAN board for Central Asia. They expressed their understanding of what a difficult and responsible work of a public nature it is and thanked for the development of national higher education. The President and Rector highlighted that the accreditation process is always an independent view and external assistance for the benefit of quality enhancement of the university.


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