Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A

Bullying and Its Participants: Aggressors, Victims, and Bystanders


On March 17, 2023, an important seminar took place in room A402, focusing on the serious and pressing issue of bullying. The event gathered participants interested in studying the phenomenon of bullying, its causes, consequences, and the roles of all involved parties.

During the seminar, key aspects of the topic were discussed, starting with the definition of bullying. Bullying was characterized as systematic and intentional infliction of physical, verbal, emotional, or social violence by one person or a group against another. This definition underscores the importance of understanding the issue on multiple levels, from the individual to the societal.

One of the central themes of the seminar was the roles of participants in bullying:

  • Aggressors are individuals who initiate and carry out acts of violence. Their motivation is often linked to a desire to assert their dominance and enhance their status within a group.
  • Victims are those who suffer from the violence, facing serious psychological and emotional consequences.
  • Bystanders are individuals who do not participate in bullying directly but become silent accomplices by not intervening in the situation.

The seminar also focused on the importance of raising awareness about the problem of bullying and developing effective strategies for its prevention and resolution. Participants discussed how to provide psychological support to both victims and aggressors. Special attention was given to training bystanders to respond appropriately to bullying situations, enabling them to become active defenders rather than passive witnesses.

The seminar was conducted with the support of the UNICEF Representative for Youth Rights, a child safety trainer, and a clinical psychologist. Their experience and knowledge were invaluable contributions to the seminar, providing participants with practical advice and recommendations.

Participants noted the high significance of the seminar and expressed hope for further exploration of this topic in future events. Raising awareness about bullying and developing comprehensive strategies for its prevention are crucial steps toward creating a safer and more supportive environment for young people.


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