Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A

Higher education School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Mission: SEI prepares leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset who contribute to the sustainability of the country and the world. We are a community of innovative entrepreneurs and a driver of development.

Vision: This is a community of innovative entrepreneurs and a driver for the development of entrepreneurship education in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

(обучаются в 2022/2023 уч.г.)

Bachelor's degree

Master's degree

International Opportunities

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Regulatory documents

You can find news and events of the School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation on the Instagram page
You can find news and events of the School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the description

History of the school


-Partner of the ERG project “Student Entrepreneurship Ecosystem” to transform classical universities into entrepreneurial

-In partnership with the University of Northampton, it is the organizer of the British Council project CreativeSpark: Higher Education Enterprise Program with a fashion entrepreneurship component

-AlmaU students took part in the Babson Collaborative Student Challenge


-Launch of the first educational program in entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan and Central Asia and the awarding of a bachelor’s degree – Business Administration in Entrepreneurship

-Partner of the ERG project “Student Entrepreneurship Ecosystem” to transform classical universities into entrepreneurial

-In partnership with the University of Northampton, it is the organizer of the British Council project CreativeSpark: Higher Education Enterprise Program with a fashion entrepreneurship component

-AlmaU students took part in the Babson Collaborative Student Challenge

-Organizer of the Central Asia Case Competition


-Launch of the first additional educational program on entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan and Central Asia Minor: Entrepreneurship

-Partner of the ERG project “Ecosystem of student entrepreneurship” on the transformation of classical universities into entrepreneurial

-In partnership with the University of Northampton, is the organizer of the British Council project CreativeSpark: Higher Education Enterprise Program with a fashion entrepreneurship component


-Partner of the ERG project “Ecosystem of student entrepreneurship” on the transformation of classical universities into entrepreneurial


-Organizer of the Eurasian stage of the Skolkovo Startup Tour


-Organizer of the Eurasian stage of the Skolkovo Startup Tour


-Opening of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

-Organizer of the international conference “Development of entrepreneurship and innovation at the university”

-Organizer of the business game on solving business cases “Kemel” “Kasipker”

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