Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A

Academic Integrity

Academic honesty is a set of values and principles that express the student’s honesty in learning when performing written works (tests, essays, theses, dissertations), answering exams, in research, expressing his position, in relationships with academic staff, teachers and other students, as well as in assessment.

The University has adopted an internal regulatory document “Rules of academic Integrity”. The document was developed in accordance with the University’s Development Strategy and establishes the principles of academic integrity in the educational process, the rights and obligations of students, defines the types of violations of academic integrity and the procedure for taking measures in case of their commission at the University.

On October 4, 2018, during a meeting between the Rector of KAZGUU named after M.S. Narikbayev Narikbayev Talgat Maksutovich and the Acting Rector of Almaty Management University (AlmaU) Kanagatova Almagul Medikhatovna, the founding agreement of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions “League of Academic Integrity” was signed.

The purpose of the Association is to improve the quality of education by promoting the principles of academic integrity. These principles are laid down in the Declaration on the Establishment of the League of Academic Integrity, which was signed by representatives of 24 higher educational institutions.

The Principles of Academic Integrity serve as a fundamental reinforcement of the basic ideas and approaches to understanding and applying academic integrity. They affirm academic integrity as the foundation of a higher education institution (principle 1), regulate the creation of a favorable atmosphere for conscientious academic practice (principles 3 and 4) ensure clarity and transparency of work to create such conditions and lay down the responsibility of a higher education institution (principles 7,8,9).


1. Academic integrity is a key value of each member of the League, its educational process and research.

2. Each member of the League ensures compliance with clear, fair and objective standards of academic integrity, citation rules and conduct.

3. Each member of the League is responsible for ensuring that all written works are checked for plagiarism, regardless of their nature, content and volume, submitted for academic and/or research purposes.

4. Each member of the League ensures the responsibility of the student for violating the principles and standards of academic integrity.

5. Each member of the League places increased demands on students within the framework of its system of fair and objective assessment of learning outcomes.

6. Each member of the League provides only the best with the opportunity to complete their studies.

7. Each member of the League is responsible for the quality of training, confirmed by his diploma.

8. Each member of the League ensures the high responsibility of the teacher as a mentor, instilling the principles and standards of academic integrity, mutual respect and fairness.

9. Each member of the League recognizes that the promotion and protection of academic integrity are the result of the mutual efforts of all students and staff in the educational organization.

10. Each member of the League undertakes to faithfully fulfill its obligations, including the basic principles of the League’s activities. He understands that he may be expelled from the organization for violating non-fulfillment of obligations under the Charter or acts of the League, as well as the principles and standards of academic integrity, including the basic principles of the League’s activities.



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