Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A

Higher education Sharmanov School of Health Sciences

The School of Health Sciences

Sharmanov School of Health Sciences was named in honor of the statesman, scientist, hygienist-nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, founder and president of Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, Toregeldy Sharmanovich Sharmanov

The mission: We strive to make the world a better place by developing high-quality education in psychology and health care, promoting scientific research and innovative entrepreneurship.

Vision: Leaders in the social sciences, internationally recognised for our contributions to sustainable development and societal well-being through education, psychology and health research


The school offers a unique opportunity to become part of a generation of professionals who are shaping the future.

  • A unique educational approach
  • Practice-oriented learning
  • 2 specialties during the course of study (Major+ Minor)
  • Focus on student growth and self-development
  • Creating a creative and motivating educational environment
  • Focus on soft development skills
  • Interesting student life

Bachelor's degree

International Opportunities

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Since 2012, AlmaU has been successfully implementing “Healthcare Management” MBA program, which more than 200 students have already graduated.

In 2022, AlmaU made a strategic decision to create Sharmanov School of Health Sciences, a school that will become a new stage in improving the quality and efficiency of the national healthcare system.

Features of educating in AlmaU:

  • Education for the complex world
  • Formation of hard and soft skills
  • Integration sciences with educational process
  • Entrepreneurial eco system
  • AlmaU student is a partner forever
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