Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 A A A
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is an elected body, which is a form of collegiate management of the University.
The tasks of the Board of Trustees are to assist in solving urgent and promising problems of the University’s development, in attracting financial and intangible funds to ensure the University’s activities and in improving the quality of working conditions, training and services provided.
The Board of Trustees functions in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the University and the Regulation “On the Board of Trustees”. If necessary, by a decision of the general meeting of the Board of Trustees, additional members may be added to its composition by voting by a simple majority of the members of the Board of Trustees present at the meeting. Meetings are held at least once a year, in face-to-face or online formats.
The Chairman acts on behalf of the Board of Trustees, represents its interests to stakeholders; organizes the activities of the Board of Trustees, determines current and future tasks, and monitors the implementation of decisions.
Members of the Board of Trustees take an active part in meetings of the Board of Trustees and University events.
The Corporate Secretary is responsible for maintaining the records of the Board of Trustees, ensures the communication of the Board of Trustees with the University.

For additional questions:

Tazabek Sholpan Orynbasarkyzy – Corporate Secretary of the Educational Institution “Almaty Management University”

Татишев Еркин Нурельдаемұлы
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Almaty Management University, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of KUSTO Group
Беклемишев Андрей Павлович
Vice President of International Data Corporation (IDC)
Бердалина Жанат Колановна
Honorary Member of the Board of Trustees of Almaty Management University, Independent Director of Polymetal
Кожахметов Асылбек Базарбаевич
President and Founder of Almaty Management University
Кулекеев Жаксыбек Абдрахметович
Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board of JSC NC KazMunayGas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University
Куренкеева Гульнар Турдалиевна
Rector of Almaty Management University
Линник Андрей Григорьевич
Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Aspara Munay LLP
Пазылхаир Гульбану Тажибаевна
Chairman of the Management Board of Altyn Samruk Qazaqstan JSC
Сейджапарова Динара Нурлановна
Representative of the UN Global Compact in Kazakhstan
Тан Чин Тионг
Honorary Professor at Singapore University of Management (Singapore)
Рик Шэнгроу
President of the Cintana Education Alliance (USA)
Яныкина Нина Олеговна
Managing Partner of the Business Alliance Group (Russia)
Асет Абдуалиев
Founder and CEO of Silkroad Innovation Hub, founding partner of BuildTech VC
Шаобо Ву
Director of the National Institute of Innovation Management of Zhejiang University
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